Wattle & Daub is a Bristol-based puppetry and visual theatre company.
Laura Purcell-Gates is a practitioner and scholar specialising in puppetry, object performance and non-normative, including disabled, bodies. She trained in puppetry with Michael Somers of Open Eye Figure Theatre in the US, and currently lectures in puppetry and theatre at Bath Spa University in the UK. More information on her projects, presentations and publications can be found at laurapurcellgates.academia.edu.
Tobi Poster-Su is a UK-based theatremaker and scholar who specialises in puppetry and devised, crossdisciplinary work. He lectures at Bath Spa University and is undertaking an AHRC-funded PhD at Queen Mary University of London (Towards a Critical Puppetry: Racialisation and Material Performance in the Twenty-First Century). Tobi has published in Critical Stages and Applied Theatre Research. He has directed puppetry for shows including Tom Morris’ adaptation of A Christmas Carol (2018) and Heidi: A Goat’s Tale (2012).